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Silva teams up with the Norwegian Biathlon Association

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Silva teams up with the Norwegian Biathlon Association

Silva is proud to announce a new partnership with the Norwegian Biathlon Association and the title as official supplier of headlamps to the athletes.

The Norwegian Biathlon team will use the Trail Speed-series of headlamps for extensive use during the important pre-season training period but also for activities in between races. Silva and the Norwegian Biathlon Association share the same goal – to be the best in the world.

“We are honored to be chosen as partner by one of the best biathlon associations and this is a great match for our premium headlamps. We develop headlamps to excel in the dark, in the cold and in all kinds of weather. Our headlamps are made to perform just like the athletes, and we look forward to providing the Norwegian Biathlon Association with the very best products and also to receive valuable feedback on future developments”, says Madelene Jonsson Öhlin, Head of Sales & Marketing Silva.

Headlamps are an excellent tool for all the hours spent on training before the first race is on. With more light in the dark the athletes can put in high quality training in their aim to stay the best in the world. With the Trail Speed headlamps, the athletes will get a versatile headlamp to use for XC-skiing, running, biking, roller skiing and all other kinds of on- and off-season training activities.

“We are eager to get moving with these high-quality Silva headlamps. For us, safety is key not only when handling weapons, but also being visible in traffic and preventing injuries. Headlamps are not only a great tool for training and performing in the darker seasons, but also a safety precaution that we are very happy to promote”, says Morten Djupvik, Secretary General of the Norwegian Biathlon Association.

The Norwegian Biathlon Team consists of 12 elite athletes, 4 coaches and an extensive support team with waxers, physical therapists and staff personnel. The federation also has one IPC team, and four younger development teams – in total 37 motivated athletes.

“We of course hope that all our athletes and staff will be the very best ambassadors for the Silva headlamps, being an active team all year round in different types of terrain: trail running, roller skiing, cycling and of course skiing in wintertime”, says Morten Djupvik, Secretary General of the Norwegian Biathlon Association.

About Silva

Silva was founded in 1933 in Sweden by three brothers who invented the world’s first liquid compass. in 1935, we launched our first headlamp – Zeiler – and the SILVA brand was born. Since then we have had many years of development which makes silva the leading headlamp brand in the Nordic region. The cooperation with the Norwegian Biathlon Association for the next two years is yet another step to furthermore strengthen our brand and our position on the market within headlamps.



Morten Djupvik

Morten Djupvik

Pressekontakt Generalsekretær 91683540
Emilie Nordskar

Emilie Nordskar

Pressekontakt Kommunikasjonssjef Media 90055379

Verdens ledende skiskytter-nasjon

Norges Skiskytterforbund ble stiftet 10. desember 1983. NSSF har ca. 7000 medlemmer fordelt på 160 klubber og 15 skiskytterkretser.

Norges Skiskytterforbunds visjon er å være verdens ledende skiskytternasjon. Langtidsplanen for 2022-2026 er derfor organisert på en ny måte. Våre verdier som skal være synlig i alt vi gjør er: Begeistrende, Idrettsglede, Samlende og Ekte.

Skiskyting er en meget populær idrett, som siden 2002 har vært i toppen av statistikk over Norges mest populære idretter. Vi har flotte profiler for skiskyting, engasjerte trenere og ildsjeler på grasrotnivå.

Norges Skiskytterforbund

Sognsveien 75A1
0840 Oslo